Five year stock price analysis of top 7 companies in the world.
FMD provides one of the most accurate financial data available on the market.
You can get
historical prices, fundamental data, insider transactions, and much more that goes back
30 years in history.
DCF Analysis on Magnificent 7 stocks using FMD API
Margin, ROIC Analysis on Magnificent 7 stocks using FMD API
Using FinViz API
K-Means Clustering is an Unsupervised Machine Learning algorithm, which groups the
unlabeled dataset into different clusters.
Below shows how to use LaTex library using a simple Fibonacci series.
Recursive call.
Also shows exception handling and continous loop.
Lambda Examples
Map of San Francisco using local coordinates.
Using colorama we can have colorful console output.
Using numpy and colorama.
Given an input string s and a pattern p, implement regular expression
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